Labels:text | menu | font | screenshot | number | paper | document OCR: REPRESENTATIVE OBJECT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT TOOLS For more information about a particular product, circle the corresponding reader service number on the reader service card located elsewhere in this issue. Compiled by Products Editor Deborah Melewski. Company Product/ Circle Number Comment Company Product/ Circle Number Comment Advanced Concepts OMTool Windows, DOS; Unix; GE C Set ++ OS/2; C++ development Center Circle No. 198 OMT-based modeling Envy/400 OS/400; Smalltalk-based King of Prussia, PA development Antares Alliance Huron MVS; Unix; tules language; Iconix Software ObjectModeler Unix; analysis, design Group ObjectStar translates business processes Engineering Circle No. 199 Circle No. 218 Dallas, TX into objects Santa Monica, CA PowerTools Unix; Mac; OO/structured Berard Software Bocs Windows, OS/2; modeling, Circle No. 219 analysis, design, coding Engineering Inc. Circle No. 200 analysis, design IDE StP/OMT Unix; OO analysis, design; Gaithersburg, MD San Francisco, CA Circle No. 220 OMT Borland International Delphi Windows, NT: client/server Ilog Inc. Scotts Valley, CA Unix; extends C++ to sup- Circle No. 201 RAD, OOP Mountain View, CA ilog Broker Circle No. 221 port DOC Cadre Technologies ObjectTeam Unix; Windows, OS/2; set of Ilog Server Unix; builds dynamic servers Providence, RI Circle No. 202 component development, Circle No. 222 of C++ objects C/C++, OMT, Shlaer-Mellor llog Views Unix; Windows, NT, OS/2; and simulation tools Circle No. 223 portable C++ toolkit CenterLine Software ObjectCenter; Unix; Cand C++ Inference Corp. ART*Enterprise DOS, Windows, OS/2, MVS, Cambridge, MA CenterLine C++ environment Novato, CA Circle No. 224 OS/400; Unix; rapid proto- Circle No. 203 typing, OO programming Computer Associates CA-OpenRoad Informix NewEra Windows; Unix; graphical Circle No. 204 Windows, NT; Unix; graphical, Informix Software International Inc. OO development Menlo Park, CA Circle No. 225 OO development Islandia, NY environment Insync Software Computer Systems SilverrunADE Windows, OS/2; Mac; design, Ronkonkoma, NY Passport Windows, DOS, OS/2, Circle No. 226 Unix; VMS; cross-platform Advisors Inc. Circle No. 205 development environment development, OO 4GL Woodcliff Lake, NJ IntelliCorp Object Manage- Unix; Windows; OO analysis, Data Access Corp. DataFlex DOS, OS/2; Unix; object- Mountain View, CA ment Workbench design; information Miami, FL Circle No. 206 oriented and procedural 4GL' Circle No. 227 engineering Digital Equipment Corp. DECdesign OpenVMS, Ultrix; analysis, Kappa Unix; Windows; visual pro- Maynard, MA Circle No. 207 design; C++ code generation Circle No. 228 gramming, OO development Digitalk Inc. Visual Smalltalk Windows, NT, Win95, OS/2; Interactive Software ISE Eiffel Unix; VMS; DOS, OS/2, Santa Ana, CA Circle No. 208 Mac; pure OO Smalltalk Engineering Circle No. 229 Goleta, CA Windows; OO language Dynasty Technologies :Dynasty Windows, NT, OS/2; Unix; Inc. Circle No. 209 three-tier cross-platform Intersolv Inc. Excelerator Il OS/2: 00 analysis and Naperville, IL Rockville, MD Circle No. 230 development C++/Views design Windows, NT, OS/2; Unix; Mac Easel Corp. Enfin Circle No. 231 C++ application framework Burlington, MA Windows, OS/2; Unix; Circle No. 210 Visual Smalltalk-based ObjectStudio Windows, OS/2; Unix; includes Ipsys Software Ipsys ToolSet/ Unix; VMS; analysis, Circle No. 211 Smalltalk class libraries Newbury, MA Object IE design, IE Circle No. 232 Forte Software Forté Unix; OpenVMS; Mac; Windows; Oakland, CA Circle No, 212 C/S development, O0 4GL JBA International Guidelines Windows, NT, OS/2 Warp; Mt. Laurel, NJ Circle No. 233 client/server development Four Seasons Software SuperNova Unix; OpenVMS; Windows, Edison, NJ Circle No. 213 Mark V Systems NT: 00 4GL, GUI development ObjectMaker Unix; VMS; DOS, Windows; Encino, CA Circle No. 234 NT, OS/2; analysis, design Gupta Corp. SQLWindows Windows; C/S RAD, Quick Menlo Park, CA Circle No. 214 Objects technology Mdbs Inc. Object/1 Windows, O5/2: 00 Lafayette, IN Circle No, 235 programming language Hewlett-Packard Co. C++ SoftBench HP-UX; Sun Solaris; C++ Cupertino, CA Circle No. 215 Menai Corp. development Menlo Park, CA Gamelon Circle No. 236 Windows, NT, 05/2; OO pro- HP Distributed HP-UX; Corba-based gramming, C++ language Smalltalk Circle No. 216 distributed OO applications bindings development Micro Focus Micro Focus Palo Alto, CA. Windows, NT, Win95; Hitachi America ObjectIQ Series Unix; Windows; suite of OO Visual Object OO Cobol environment New York, NY Circle No. 217 tools for building knowledge- Cobo intensive applications Circle No. 237 IBM Software Solutions VisualAge OS/2, Windows; Smalltalk- Microsoft Corp. Microsoft DOS, Windows, NT; contact your local Visual C++ IBM sales office) VisualGen based C/S development Redmond, WA Visual C++ OS/2; visual programming Circle No. 238 tool; generates C++ and Microsoft Visual Windows; visual RAD Cobol applications for Win- Basic dows, OS/2, AIX, OS/400, VSE Circle No. 239